TyngsboroughWater District
Water Service Line Inventory
PWS ID # 3301000
Our Public Water System has no Lead, Galvanized Requiring Replacement (GRR) or Unknown Service Lines
On October 3, 2024, MassDEP approved Tyngsborough Water District’s request for approval to release a statement that our system has no service lines of Lead, Galvanized Requiring Replacement (GRR), or unknown materials. This statement is based on the results of a service line inventory that was developed using the following verification method(s):
☒ Field Inspection by PWS
☒ Records Review
☒ Statistical Analysis
☐ Customer Self-Identification
☐ Sequential Monitoring
☒Other(s) MassDEP-Approved Method(s): Interviews with former and current district staff and with operator of the newly acquired system “The Greens”.
For information on all service lines in the Tyngsborough Water District contact the Tyngsborough Water District at 978-649-4577, 9am to 2pm Monday through Friday or at info@tyngsboroughwater.org.
Tyngsborough Water District’s Water Service Line Inventory Project
The US EPA published revisions to the Lead and Copper Rule that are intended to better protect children and communities from lead exposure risks and support efforts to remove lead from drinking water. The revisions require all Public Water Systems to complete an inventory of all service lines connected to their distribution system and develop a Lead Service Line Replacement Plan, if needed. The inventory must include the pipe material and other information for both the system-owned and customer-owned portions of the service line between the water main and a structure.
In working toward a lead-free water distribution system for its customers, the Tyngsborough Water District applied for and received Financial Assistance under the Massachusetts Drinking Water State Revolving Fund (DWSRF) to complete the water service line inventory and lead service line replacement plan. Activities completed for the project included:
- A review of existing records that may contain information on the material of each service line
- Conducting service line inspections where DPW staff and/or a contractor inspected the service line as it enters a customer’s building in person
- Providing public education and notification materials to customers and the community regarding lead in drinking water and development of the inventory
The Tyngsborough Water District completed its inventory and based on the records reviewed, water line inspections completed, and the fact that the majority of the water system was constructed after the 1986 lead ban, the water service inventory does not include any lead pipes. The inventory was submitted to the Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection (MassDEP) on August 26, 2024 and the District received approval of its certification that the water system contains no lead service lines from MassDEP on October 3, 2024.
The Tyngsborough Water District is committed to providing its customers with a safe and reliable source of drinking water and regularly conducts sampling for lead in accordance with state and federal requirements. Information regarding lead in drinking water is provided in the District’s Annual Water Quality Report.
The Tyngsborough Water District is committed to providing clean, safe drinking water to all customers and thanks its customers for their assistance in completing this important project. For more information on the service lines within the Tyngsborough Water District water system, please call the District at 978-649-4577.
For more information on lead in drinking water please visit:
MassDEP: https://www.mass.gov/lead-in-drinking-water
US EPA: https://www.epa.gov/safewater/lead
Lead Service Line Replacement Collaborative: https://www.lslr-collaborative.org/